3 Awesome Business Ideas For Millennial Entrepreneurs.

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Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

If the threat of redundancy is ever-present for you during the coronavirus crisis, the chances are that you are worried. These worries can quickly manifest into chronic anxiety and you may struggle to think about anything other than your job.

Even if the sector you are in is managing, the company you work for might not be. If you are furloughed, you may feel secure in the short term, but it is your post-furlough existence that is the worry. Is the company you work for going to survive? Do you know whether you will have to take a pay cut? Or will there be job restructuring?

This uncertainty can make you feel negative. However, along with redundancy comes opportunity, even if this can be hard to see. For some, it is the opportunity to start their own business. Take a look at these three awesome business startup ideas for millennials.


Building and construction are the industries that are seeing a speedy resurgence as lockdown eases and more people are getting back to work. For many, the construction industries never really stopped, they simply slowed down a little.

Populations are still increasing and people need homes to live in, premises to work from, and facilities and warehouses to store things in. If you are keen to break into the building industry but you have no experience, don’t think that you have to get your hands dirty.

You can invest in building a storage facility allowing an already well-established firm to take on the hard graft. As a silent partner investing in small builds, you can take a cut of leases, rents, and sales.

eBay Empire

If you are a bit of a wheeler-dealer and love trading items in your spare time, then you might fancy building an eBay empire. If you adore antiques or specialist memorabilia and have a collection at home that you want to get rid of, whip it onto eBay.

If you aren’t much of a collector but you do have knowledge of ball bearings, hydraulics, or car parts, why not import them and sell them on the online site. Make your product descriptions accurate, detailed, and honest. Alongside excellent photography, you could generate a following as an expert retailer and begin your very own eBay empire.

Social Media

If you are Facebook savvy and enjoy posting content across social media to generate an online buzz, it might be time to make it your profession. Many companies are choosing to outsource their social media functions offsite to experts.

They need people to hone their company voice, post meaningful content that goes onto be shared, and to direct traffic to their website. If you are capable at digital marketing and have experience in the field, you could try working from home on your laptop in the most postmodern career there is. 

Being a millennial can make people think you are inexperienced and lacking in entrepreneurial skills. However, follow these startup paths and you could have a successful future.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email bespoke@wearelikeminds.com