4 Ways To Make Your Business More Accessible.

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Photo by Marcus Aurelius

Making sure your business premises are accessible to people with disabilities isn’t just a consideration but also a legal requirement. Under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), a business worker’s responsibility is to provide a safe and accessible premise for anyone who needs support and assistance to accommodate limitations due to a disability.

There are multiple ways you can make your business more accessible, and oftentimes it’s the small details that will make all the difference. For instance, ensuring your signage is clear and easy to read, providing seating areas with back support, or offering a quiet space for those with sensory sensitivities. These tips can be easy ways to make sure your business is welcoming for everyone.

Have Disabled Parking

People with disabilities will often frequent businesses that have adaptations and designated spaces for disabled parking. If you want to ensure your business is accessible for everyone, then having disabled parking bays can be a great way to show people you care about their experience and are willing to ensure your business is accessible to everyone. Your bays need to be around 8 feet wide and have access panels on the sides to allow for easy car access without banging into other vehicles. Plus, extra space is required for manoeuvring wheelchairs, which are mobility aids, in and out of the car.

Have Easy Door Access

Paying attention to how easy it is to get into your building will allow people to not struggle regardless of their ability. One of the most convenient and practical ways to ensure easy door access is by installing automatic sliding doors. These doors, opened by a simple push of a button, eliminate the need to pull a door open. By removing steps or displays from door areas, you’re creating a barrier-free environment that’s easy to navigate for everyone.

Instal Ramps, Handrails, and Barriers

Using commercial railings on slopes or elevated sections of your building, both internally and externally, can help you ensure all patrons’ safety. Ramps can allow for a smoother transition around your premises without steps being an issue for people who cannot manage stairs or rely on a wheelchair to get around. The easier and safer it is to get around, and the more accommodating your layout and features are to support those who need it and make the area safe, the more welcoming your business will be to everyone.

Trained and Knowledgeable Staff

Training your employees on specific protocols to follow if a person needs assistance, having them understand the different types of difficulties or conditions a person could have, and reinforcing that not all disabilities are visible will make the experience and interactions with your business more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone.  Your staff needs to be aware of disabled customers and how they can accommodate them while not being too eager to take over.

Offering assistance to everyone or waiting until asked can be what some people need, as not everyone with a disability needs constant help and support. Simply direct them to offer help and assistance if required, and do not ignore or impose; just be aware and ready to help if required.

When making your business accessible to everyone, you need to pay attention to how people engage and assess your business premises so you can identify any issues or areas of concern and rectify them. Act on feedback put yourself in others’ shoes, and strive to ensure you’re welcoming to everyone.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email bespoke@wearelikeminds.com

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