5 Office Preparation Tips in the Midst of Covid-19

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Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels

The COVID-19 virus has taken quite a toll on the world as a whole. When it comes to the way businesses operate, this is one major factor that has changed a lot. In the beginning stages, social distancing and closing of offices was a compulsory measure put in place by the government to curb the spread of the virus. 

However, as offices start to open back up, in an attempt to restart the economy, it is quite obvious that things aren’t going to go back to ‘business as usual’. If you are reopening your business during these times, there are a couple of things you need to do to prepare your office and your employees. To get you started, here are 5 tips for preparing your office to reopen in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

1. Reduce the density of employees

One of the first things to take into consideration when reopening is the number of employees you want to allow in the office at a time. Research has shown that very close interactions can be a transmission risk. Based on this, it is recommended that people sit or stand at least six feet apart from each other as the minimum safety requirement. 

If you have a lot of workers, then you’ll most likely have to limit the number of employees that come to the office. One way to do this is to create a rota, so only some employees come in on certain days, while others come in on the remaining days. 

2. Incorporate proper ventilation systems

Scientists believe that closed, indoor settings pose as the greatest transmission risk, compared to outdoors. You see, air exhaled is dispersed a lot slower indoors than outdoors. This is why proper ventilation is a requirement to try to curb the spread. Another thing you can do is include air purifying systems in the office. These machines can eliminate any dust, bacteria, or viruses from the air, and contribute towards keeping the office free from COVID19. 

3. Encourage better hygiene habits

Wearing a mask, washing hands, and using hand sanitizers are key things that can be done to ensure our safety. Before your office reopens, ensure that there are facilities to encourage better hygiene habits. Make sure that there are places where employees can wash their hands regularly. Also, equip your office with hand sanitizer that workers can use when the need arises. You can also distribute masks they can use to cover their noses and mouths while they are in the office. 

4. Restructure the office space

Here’s a good tip for you, consider restructuring your office space. You can do this by including a demarcation or individual cubicles for employees if your company can afford it. You can equally seek direction from architecture firms like Scenario Architecture to help you draw up a plan. Office Monster offers a range of different desks too. At the end of the day, you’re trying to limit human contact, so think ‘in the box’.

5. Regular office cleaning 

As obvious as it may seem, regular office cleaning is one way your business can contribute towards curbing the spread of the virus while also preparing for reopening. To do this, it’s advisable to get in touch with a cleaning agency such as  https://greenfacilities.co.uk/ who are well-versed on how to properly clean and disinfect your office space. They should really concentrate on frequently cleaning regularly touched surfaces like elevator buttons, door handles, and counters.

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