When you are going through the hiring process for your business, you hire new people based on what you need. So, when you need IT experts, you employ a team of IT buffs who know what they’re doing to protect your data and make your business look great online.
You would employ a receptionist to gatekeeper your calls and do your admin. You would bring on an HR expert to work your recruitment and HR policies, freeing you up for other things. This is the biggest thing to consider: the people you hire are brought on because they can take over a piece of the business you no longer have time to worry about.
If there is one thing that you could do to save your business money, it’s outsourcing. You can save the money of bringing someone on full-time and paying their training costs and vacation time by choosing to outsource to an external agency.
For example, you may want your cloud transformation to be outsourced to an external IT agency that can manage it while you are dealing with other things. You could choose to hire a virtual receptionist to answer the phones and screen calls. There are so many different ways that you can use outsourcing to your advantage, but here are five things that you should consider outsourcing today.
1. Content Marketing. You may be an excellent business development negotiator, but that doesn’t mean that you know much about writing engaging content. It’s okay; there’s a reason that experts out there are doing it for a living. Content needs to be engaging and capture the attention of the right audience at the right time. It matters significantly for your business to be able to continue. So, you need to make sure that you have someone excellent working for you. Outsource your content and watch your revenue grow!
2. Accounting. You may be excellent at bringing in the money, but it doesn’t mean that you know much about managing it! It’s one thing to know your figures and entirely another to understand the ins and outs of where it’s going and to whom you should pay the bills. Let the experts do it for you. Tax doesn’t have to be taxing – but sometimes it requires expert help!
For example as an entrepreneur electing to buy your stock immediately, even if it hasn’t all vested yet you’ll need to fill out an 83(b). The 83b election is a formal letter that you send to the IRS telling the IRS that you are electing to buy your stock immediately and you are looking to lock in a low tax basis. So by using a professional tax advisor you’ll have the correct advice and a steady financial and tax management solution happening without you needing to be there!
3. Paying Staff. Linked to the points made above in accounting, you don’t have to be the person to pay your staff, but it’ll help if you knew someone who could. One little mistake with payroll can trigger massive tax implications and the IRS on your back. Don’t let yourself make those kinds of errors. Hire someone to take on the pay for you, and you’ll be able to have it well-managed and no worries for your staff.
4. Your Website. Your business website is going to be one of your main money-spinners. You need to be well aware of the impact of your website on your audience and your conversion rates. If you are optimizing your conversions with your website, you’re going to find so much more of an income coming your way.
5. The Admin. Paperwork is not something that you, a business owner, have time for. Sure, there will be some that you have no choice but to do, but you should be making time for the important stuff and nothing else. As a small business owner, you have to be the one in charge of your core processes, but you can still hire a freelance assistant to work with you and ensure that your business is running smoothly.