
In order to set up a fleet company, you need to make sure your business is highly organised and well managed. There could be more to setting up a fleet company than you may think, so take a look at your guide to make sure you go in well-prepared. We’ll cover the different aspects of setting up a fleet company and what it entails. Keep reading to learn more.
Consumer Research
To start forming a business plan, you need to know your target audience and how best to establish your business and market yourself. Consumer research allows you to identify your consumers and what they could expect from your business and your services.
If you want to conduct consumer research, consider carrying out surveys and analysing reviews for other logistics companies. This could give you an impression of aspects of their services that customers may be unhappy with so you could adapt your business to be better.
Know Your Competitors
The logistics industry is a competitive field, so you will need to conduct your research on your direct competitors. You’ll want to try and learn as much information as possible regarding things such as the services they provide, the marketing methods they use, and suppliers who use them for their logistics.
Keeping an eye on your competitors helps to give you an advantage as it means you can keep up to pace with changes in the market.
Use your competitor’s websites to analyse what keywords they are using to boost their presence on search engines and what marketing strategies they use to reach new customers.
Equipping Your Fleet
Choosing the right vehicles and equipment for your fleet is an important decision. You should consider the type of logistics services you will be supplied to help you choose the right kind of business vehicle. How big do they need to be, and how much weight can they hold? Research the best vehicles with a good standard of reliability.
Although it may cost more to buy better quality initially, it could save you money in the long term if you’re not having to constantly maintain and repair the vehicles you have. Your drivers will also need devices for managing products being transported and registering deliveries.
Make sure your drivers have access to communication devices to help them keep in touch with managers and colleagues. You could even look into installing internet for truckers to help them stay connected and communicate with both you and their loved ones whilst they are on the road. It can help your brand awareness if your drivers are equipped with a uniform to represent your business, matching any branding you will have designed for your vehicles.
Tracking Your Fleet
You will also need to ensure your vehicles are fitted with tracking devices. These are important not only to allow your fleet managers to keep track of vehicles and remain organised but also to ensure your drivers are adhering to industry regulations.
There are strict regulations in place in Europe to ensure drivers are meeting safety standards. For example, the time they are driving and whether they are taking regular breaks. Tracking devices are also useful for tracking whether your drivers are carrying out their deliveries correctly and not misusing their vehicles and working time.
This fleet tracking solution from FleetGO allows you to monitor your fleet and their activity to ensure your business meets European regulations and follows company policy.
You will also need to ensure your business is insured correctly. You will need to have a few different forms of business insurance in place, alongside insuring your vehicles. It’s your responsibility to ensure your drivers are properly insured and trained to be driving your fleet vehicles.
You should also look into taking out insurance such as personal accident cover, which will cover the cost of your drivers being involved in an accident where they become injured or pass away. If you’re operating internationally, you should also make sure you take out the appropriate insurance to cover you in Europe as well as the UK.
Driver Training
When you hire drivers for your fleet, it is your responsibility to ensure they are fully trained and equipped to be operating vehicles and equipment. You should be monitoring the training requirements and opportunities for your staff and tracking any necessary training updates for each member of staff.
Making sure your staff are equipped with the best training will help to reduce the chances of accidents and injury occurring due to driver errors.
Maintenance And Repairs
To help keep your business running smoothly and your fleet on the road, make sure you take out breakdown cover for all your vehicles. You should also regularly conduct vehicle checks to make sure your vehicles are running safely and are more likely to be reliable.
Failing to properly maintain your fleet could lead to issues in the day-to-day running of your business and your ability to meet the demands of your suppliers.