9 Signs Your Business Needs An App.

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If you’re a business owner, you probably know that apps are where it’s at. Apps can make the lives of your customers so much easier, and incentivize them to use your service as a result. However, not every business will need an app. If you’re not sure whether an app is right for your business, read on for the 9 signs to look out for:

1. Your Competitors Have An App

If your competitors have an app, this could be a huge sign that it’s something you should look into, too. You don’t want to trail behind your competitors, so if they’re doing it, you should consider how to move forward with your app development. Consider downloading their apps to get an idea of what they are doing and how. Then, figure out how you can do it better.

2. An App Will Enhance User Experience

If you know an app will enhance user experience, then of course, it’s a no brainer. Will it make it easier for your customers to shop with you? Will they be able to find information on you at the touch of a button?

3. You Want To Stand Out From Your Competitors

Maybe your competitors don’t have an app, but you know one would add value to your audience. This could be your opportunity to stand out from the crowd, rather than try to catch up with them. No doubt your competitors will follow in your footsteps once you do this.

4. You Know A Mobile Site Won’t Cut It

Maybe you already have a mobile site (you should, it’s 2020). Just because you have a mobile site doesn’t mean you should shun getting an app altogether. An app can be even better than a mobile site in that it constantly reminds the user of your brand, and they can access your products and information at the touch of a button.

You should never choose an app instead of a mobile site – you should have both if you think an app is right for your business. A mobile site should always be viewed as compulsory. 

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

5. There’s A Consumer Problem You Want To Solve 

Is there a clear consumer problem that you’d like to solve? Many apps are shaping the ecommerce industry, and you could continue this trend by solving your consumer issues with yours. Some issues may include:

  • Improving internal communication
  • Managing online reviews
  • Better customer service
  • Address pain points 

6. Retaining Customer Data Will Simplify Conversions 

Putting information into sites, such as billing and shopping addresses, can make conversions rates falter. If your business relies on repeat customers, then the elimination of this tedious entry of information when using an app may lead to increased sales. Make things easier for your consumer and they will enjoy coming back.

7. You Offer A Loyalty Program

If you offer a loyalty program, you can make this clear with your app. You can offer targeted discounts, coupons, and other incentives that you don’t offer anywhere else.

8. Your Social Media Presence Differs 

A business’s presence on social media can say a lot about them. Before developing your app, make sure that you have a clear vision of how your social media channels can be leveraged to grow your app’s install base. Make sure you know how your social profiles differ from your app, too – what are their individual functionalities?

9. You Can Maintain Your App

There’s no point building an app if you will struggle to maintain it. Not every business commits to this, and it’s an expensive mistake to make. Apps need to be updated regularly to fix bugs, improve the interface and add new functionalities. If you are in the planning stages of creating a business app, make sure that you have a plan, and the money/resources to keep your app working as it should be over time.

Updating apps also involves the analysis of user behaviour within the app, listening to feedback from your consumers, and always thinking of ways to improve your app using the information you have gathered. This will ensure your app is always meeting your consumers’ needs, and that you can learn as much as possible about your consumers when they use your app.

Do these 9 signs point to you needing an app? Sometimes a mobile site will do. If you can’t think of any clear reason to develop an app, then it may not be such a good idea after all. Look at the apps you use and figure out why you use them. Is it easier to order from the brands you like? Do as much research as you can before you decide!

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email bespoke@wearelikeminds.com