April 14th: Frederique Murphy on “Lead Beyond The Edge: The Bold Path To Extraordinary Results”

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Our Guest on Episode 35 of Business Breakfast TV is Leadership Mindset Strategist, Frederique Murphy.

Leadership Mindset Strategist, Frederique Murphy

How would you like to lead yourself towards extraordinary results without ever stopping yourself in your tracks?

You are driven, goal-orientated, and aspire to more: you are a leader, at work and at home. So, how do you step up to that next level? By getting out of your own way and pushing through your fears and past your comfort zone. But reaching that edge is scary. In Lead Beyond The Edge, Frederique Murphy provides you with the mental strategies you need to rewire your brain for success.

You can lead beyond the edge but only if you know what to do when your brain resists. Discover the Why and What behind the book, as you embark on your path to extraordinary results, learning more about the problem, the edge, as well as the 2-component solution that will take you there: spoiler alert, one part is your brain and its incredible neuroplasticity ability and how we can make it work strategically for us.

Join Frederique Murphy during this inspiring, insightful, and practical introductory session, which uses science, to help you grow, and get ready to move mountains: accomplish anything, anytime, anywhere.

Frederique Murphy is a leadership mindset strategist who inspires and equips leaders to move through extraordinary change. Her Mountain Moving Mindset (M3) platform delivers inspiration and scientific strategies, instilling beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours to drive powerful transformations.

She brings together 17 years’ experience in corporate change for large multinational organizations and scientific expertise in positive psychology, neuroscience and behaviour change with strategic vision and business acumen, having run her award-winning speaking, training and consulting company for the past decade.

With this impactful combination, she helps organizations – including Fortune 500 companies – and associations reap the benefits of tapping into the power of their leaders’ minds to rewire their brains for success and make change happen.

Frederique regularly writes for business publications, has been interviewed on national and international radio and podcast shows, and serves her large audience via her award-winning M3 blog and podcast The M3 Mile.

She is powerful at connecting with people and loves engaging with her remarkable online community – her M3 Power Community spans all continents and includes over 155,000 leaders, with whom she shares her ever-growing mind and brain expertise.

When Frederique takes to the stage, sparks fly: she is a passionate and charismatic speaker who captivates audiences and awakens the neural paths in their brains. She has delivered her popular keynote ‘Lead Beyond The Edge’ to tens of thousands of professionals around the globe, from Dublin to Vancouver to Mexico to Amsterdam to Madrid to Dallas.

Lead Beyond The Edge: The Bold Path to Extraordinary Results is out on March 30th and available for pre-order now.

You can connect with Frederique on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email bespoke@wearelikeminds.com