Our Guest on Episode 37 of Business Breakfast TV is Ian Windle, Group Chair at Vistage International UK.
Ian is an award-winning Leadership Speaker, Executive Coach, and Team Builder. Leadership is complicated. How do you become a great leader? Don’t leave it to chance.
The Leadership Map demystifies the subject and provides every leader with a comprehensive framework to create and grow a successful business. It covers all the key elements you need to understand and build a successful business: from creating your vision, to developing your people, to executing your strategy.
The talk (and the book behind the talk) is brought to life through stories based on Ian’s knowledge and experience of working first-hand with CEOs of many businesses, both large and small, private and public, national and international. Ian is a pragmatist, not a theorist. The Leadership Map will bring clarity to your thinking and provide you with models, tools, and techniques that will allow you to immediately put your ideas into action.
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