April 7th: Grace Marshall on “Struggle: What if we’ve got it all wrong about getting it wrong?”

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Productivity Ninja, Grace Marshall.

Our Guest on Episode 34 of Business Breakfast TV is Productivity Ninja Grace Marshall, author of How to be Really Productive.

In a world that’s obsessed with fast hacks, quick wins, ruthless efficiency, and Instagram-perfection, the struggle has become taboo. A sign that something’s gone horribly wrong. 

But what if we’ve got it all wrong about getting it wrong? What if struggle isn’t a battle to fight, a trap to avoid, or a sign of weakness? What if struggle is precisely where the magic happens – where we do our best, most important work?

Author of the award-winning ‘How to be Really Productive’, Grace Marshall is known for her “refreshingly human” approach to productivity. Featured in The Guardian, Forbes, Huffpost, and BBC Radio, her work as a Productivity Ninja has taken her from Norway to New York, helping thousands of people – from startup founders to corporate managers, artists to engineers, students, and CEOs – to replace stress, overwhelm and frustration with success, sanity, and satisfaction.

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Her new book, Struggle: the surprising truth, beauty, and opportunity hidden in life’s sh*ttier moments is out April 13th. 

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