Business Breakfast TV Launched.

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BBTV premiers weekly every Wednesday at 8am GMT.

To replace our bi-weekly in-person Business Breakfasts at The Court Private Members Club we’re excited to announce we are launching a new weekly series called Business Breakfast TV (BBTV) via our online platform on Wednesdays. It’s the first interactive Business Breakfast to enjoy from the comfort of your desk, tablet, or phone, wherever you are in the world!

Tickets are now FREE as the event production is supported by our generous partners below.

Do sign up to our newsletters over on the right to receive notification of the speakers we’re featuring each week. You can see the previous shows here.

As we’re committed to bringing together a fully engaged audience do let us know who you think we should feature each week by joining our group on our partner’s new messaging app Guild. You’ll be able to network there during the week and after each show to discuss the talks in more detail.

The Court Private Members Club, Soho, London

Each session will start at 08.00 (BST) and run for 20mins with a 15min speaker Q&A at the end. So exactly like our in-person events but now online with the opportunity to ask our speakers questions in the chatbox and on video during the Q&A sessions.

You’ll have to provide your own breakfast, tea or coffee but there will be plenty of opportunity to network with other guests both before and after the talk and to engage with the speaker during the Q&A session.

If you’re an entrepreneur or have helped build a successful business and would like to share the insights and methodologies you’ve used to achieve that success please get in touch here to discuss joining our current speaker schedule.

Our Partners:

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email