Everything You Need To Know About Dealing With Problem Builders.

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At some point in your life, you will likely look into extensions for your home, or renovations in general. The experience can be costly, but well worth it depending on the nature of your construction effort.

That’s why you want it done to a high standard, but sadly, that’s not always the case. This article will go over what you need to know when you’re dealing with a problem builder, otherwise known as a cowboy builder.

Identify The Issue

Before you do anything, you should work to identify the potential issue that has happened. The last thing you want to do is complain about an issue that doesn’t even exist in the first place. Depending on the nature of your building effort on your home, it could be various issues that arise from a build, which means you should look out for certain signs of shoddy work.

If you do manage to find the issue, then take pictures and you can continue to the next part of this article to seek help.

Give Them A Chance To Correct The Issue

If you do feel like something has gone wrong or against your wishes, you should first give them the chance to correct this mistake. This may be because they simply made a mistake without realising it, or it could be that they had the wrong instructions.

You may find that it is an easy fix that won’t cost you anything more than time. It will also help strengthen your relationship with your builder, which could lead to them returning to work with you in the future without going through a dubious process. It may also mean that the work is completed more productively, with better results in some cases.

Seek Legal Advice

As a consumer, you have certain legal rights that will help to protect your interests when it comes to purchasing goods and using a service. That’s why you should be aware of your rights when it comes to receiving unsatisfactory service through a construction effort with your home, or products related to home purchases.

If a builder has broken a consumer law and isn’t willing to put it right, then it will be time for you to seek consumer legal advice from an expert solicitor. Ashwood Solicitors are one such group, who has a team of experienced solicitors who are knowledgeable in consumer law, allowing them to represent your interests and get fairness for you.

Document Everything

You must document everything that is happening with the building effort. This is so that you will have evidence in case anything goes wrong, as well as help reassure yourself that positive change is happening.

Most builders won’t have a problem with you documenting the work, especially if you say it’s because you want to see what it looks like before and after. However, you should ensure you aren’t constantly getting in the way of the builders, as this could simply harm the overall construction effort.

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