Feb 17th: Chris Harding on “The Business Builder’s Guide to Creating Impact & Momentum”

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Our Guest on Episode 28 of Business Breakfast TV is Chris Harding, Chief Momentum Engineer.

Chris Harding, Chief Momentum Engineer.

There are 5 types of building-block that make up the puzzle which is your company – and one of them is you.

The creative challenge of real entrepreneurship is that they all need to be aligned if you want to create impact and generate momentum in your life and work – rather than just more of the same.

We so easily fall into the trap of hunting for the-one-thing we can add on that will make everything work. It’s not that simple, and it would be a sad day if this game were just about doing something clever to get something that doesn’t last. It’s much more interesting than that but you can’t have the whole cake if you’re only working with half the ingredients.

In this session, we begin to map out what the 5 building blocks are, why they matter, how they relate and how having a visual map of what you are creating and building is much more powerful than working from a list of things you should

Developing this ability to think conceptually is absolutely essential for being able to think strategically and with this mental map in mind we can begin to recognise the things that are holding us back and why some things seem to be a constant struggle – whether that relates to sales, customers, team, money or even our own sense of purpose. 

About Chris

Mapping what’s really going on is what Chris does in his drive to simplify the complexity that holds us back from achieving our true potential.

He honed his strengths as a problem solver en-route to becoming the Global COO for FX & Money Markets at Credit Suisse and ABN Amro Asset Management – successfully building and evolving businesses through highly disruptive circumstances – not much different to today.

Chris has invested the last 12 years working closely with more than 100 SME leaders & teams to help them overcome the challenges that were hindering their success.

He’s been called “a new breed of business advisor” because he’s not afraid to challenge the status quo, take the puzzle apart, discover what’s really going on, and help people make sense of their reality in a powerful new way. The real momentum begins to kick in when whole teams see what’s really possible for them and how to put the pieces together in the most effective way. They become unstoppable.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email bespoke@wearelikeminds.com