Hosting A Business Event.

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In this blog post, we are going to take a look at two key elements of planning a business event. Firstly, we are going to take a look at why it is important to choose a great venue, no matter the nature of the event. We are then going to provide you with some useful tips on how to market your event effectively. 

The Importance Of A Great Venue

VenueWhen hosting a corporate event it is obviously very important that everything is planned carefully and organised to perfection in order for it to be successful.

At the end of the day, the event itself will have a direct impact on how individuals view the company and consequently it will affect the brand’s reputation and image. There are lots of things that go into planning corporate events but it cannot be expressed enough how important it is to choose the right venue for the occasion. After all, it is the first thing people notice and if it is something which is not suitable or up to scratch then it is not a factor which can easily be brushed under the carpet.

Nevertheless, if the venue is a great one then it is bound to impress the people in attendance, this will get them talking about the conference and they will have nothing but praise for the company in question.

However, finding a great venue is not an easy challenge. There are so many places to choose from and this makes it difficult to narrow the search down and know what to look for. Moreover, searching alone is extremely time-consuming. Therefore those who need a little bit of help should seriously consider the services of a free online venue finder. This service will help people to easily, quickly, effectively and conveniently find the best places for them.

Benefits Of Postcards For Event Branding

Postcard printing is a unique form of marketing that is guaranteed to catch the eye. Not only will you need to find a printer for ID for your event, but you need to get the word out first, and postcard printing is a great choice here! More and more businesses are turning to this online printing solution. It is particularly useful when marketing events, as you will discover by reading the benefits below.

  •     Postcards are memorable – Most people will agree that a postcard makes a greater impression than a flyer does, for example. This is because postcards have a unique appearance. It is a quirky and striking way of getting your message across, and because of this, it is much more likely to make a memorable impression.
  •     Postcards are the ideal size – Postcards are the perfect size for advertising. They can easily fit through someone’s letterbox. They can be placed onto a fridge or in a drawer, yet they aren’t too small to the point where they are easily lost.
  •     Postcards are straight to the point – Postcards are an effective way of getting your point across because they are straight to the point. Not everyone wants to read a leaflet or any other lengthy form of invite. You need something that is catchy and concise when marketing an event, and this is exactly that.
  •     Postcards don’t require an envelope – This is undoubtedly one of the main benefits associated with postcards for businesses, especially if you plan on posting invites through people’s doors. The hardest part is getting them to open the invite if you choose flyers or leaflets from the online printing company. This is something you don’t ever have to worry about with postcards.
  •     Postcards are cost-efficient – It is likely that you already have a lot of expenses considering the fact that you are hosting an event. You don’t want the marketing of the event to cost a fortune, and it does not have to with postcard printing. This is undoubtedly one of the most cost-efficient approaches.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email