How To Become A New And Improved Business For The Post-Pandemic Era.

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The pandemic has seen millions of businesses close, with even more jobs at risk or lost altogether. However, now the vaccine is rolling out with each passing day, lots of people are looking forward to the coming months returning to what we consider as “normal”.

As a business, you may have made it through the pandemic, but still only at the sidelines. Many business owners are anxious about reopening to the public due to the fact every business is going to be doing the same thing; fighting for the customers, both new and existing.

To stand out in this post pandemic era, you’ll have to think about some clever strategies for your business. If you’re worried or struggling to come up with some ideas, check out this guide on how to become a new and improved business for the post pandemic era.

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

Take to social media

Since the majority of businesses still going today operated entirely online during the lockdown phases, it’s very likely you’ve had some experience with social media for your business and if not, create your accounts! Social media can be a very powerful tool if used properly.

In this case, however, you should be using your social media profiles to alert your followers that you’re going to be reopening in store, and also what they can expect when you do reopen. You can also use social media to build up hype about your reopening.

Be conscious of nervous shoppers

While the vaccine might be rolling out now, it’s important to understand that not everyone wants the vaccine, and still may be very worried about the implications of the virus. Show your customers – no matter what their choice is – that you’re going to do your best to accommodate their needs. Many businesses are taking advice from Carlos Ramirez Safety when reopening their store or office to ensure that not only are employees safe, but so are customers too. You can let everyone know about your changes via social media or email marketing tools.

Create a deal that’s hard to miss out on

Let’s face it, you want your customers back so that you can continue to make profit for your business. But how can you stand above all of your competitors? By creating a deal or offer that’s going to be difficult for customers to miss out on! Perhaps you can create a bundle for products that work well together, or offer a sale discount for those that visit you in store. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something no other business is offering.

Reward your returning customers

Finally, while every business welcomes newcomers, it’s important to recognise and reward the customers that have brought you this far. Reward your returning customers with discounts and other little rewards to thank them for their continued loyalty. Not only will it go far, but it will ensure they continue recommending your business to their family and friends, as well as returning themselves when they need your product or service.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email