How To Bring Health Into The Workplace.

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You’re an employer, a boss, a manager… whatever you want to call yourself, and however you want your team to look at you, it’s vital to understand that without that team, you wouldn’t have a business, so even if you’re technically their superior, you need to take good care of them and treat them well. If you don’t, your business is going to suffer, and suffer hard – it might even be the end of it if you’re not careful.

A good employer who looks after the well-being and happiness of their employees keeps them loyal (which is cheaper than having to keep finding replacements and better for your productivity too) and enhances your reputation (which keeps your customers on your side – always a good thing, especially when you’ve got a lot of competition), and that’s only the beginning; there are loads more reasons to be a good boss than that.

Something your team is going to appreciate is if you can help them be healthier, so with that in mind, here are some ways to bring health into the workplace.

Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile

Promote Physical Activity 

You’ve got to move around if you want to be healthy. No matter how great your diet is or how much meditation you do, if you’re just sitting still in one spot for hours at a time and never do any physical activity, you’re going to be unwell. And what does your team do all day? Surprise! They sit around for hours and they never do any physical activity.

You can change all that and help them become much healthier people (and the fact that it will boost their productivity can’t hurt either). If you’ve got an office and there’s enough space, you might think about installing some gym equipment for everyone to use – that’s a great way to show them you need them to move around a bit more. Or you could offer gym memberships as a perk, or at least give people a chance to take plenty of breaks outside.

Think About Your Overtime Policies 

How much overtime does your team do right now? If they’re doing it all the time and it’s a regular thing, it’s too much. Why is there so much extra work? Perhaps you need to think about staffing levels or the things you’re asking people to do and make that a priority so that overtime isn’t the norm anymore. Not sure how much overtime is happening? If you use employee hour tracking software, you’ll instantly be able to see how many hours people are working and limit their overtime if they’ve gone over the working hours you set for their health and wellbeing. Because yes, you do need to set limits. 

If there’s a culture of overtime being something everyone just does and no one questions it, you need to find out why it’s happening. Once you know that, you can determine the right limits and there you go – healthier, happier staff! 

Ergonomic Workstations 

Since people are going to be sitting around for hours (even if you do encourage them to exercise), the least you can do is make sure they’re comfortable and stay healthy while they’re doing it, so it’s wise to invest in ergonomic workstations.

These are designed with the body in mind, so you’ll be comfortable and less prone to work-related injury (those wrist sprains are no joke), which means happier employees and more productive ones too. Win-win! 

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