Without online payments, businesses today are going to struggle to get off the ground. Cash may still be king, but online payments are the future which means that you need to be doing more for your business than anything else. When you improve the online payment experience, people will want to shop on your website and will want to know what your business is doing differently.
Every business accepting payments must use payment processing developer tools to ensure that the customer experience of making those payments online isn’t a difficult one. You want your business to be as user-friendly as possible and every step that you take in this quest is a step toward people appreciating what you do.
The right resources can help you with that. With this in mind, you can ensure that you are giving your customers the right ways to pay from the get-go. Let’s take a look at how you can improve your customers’ payment experiences online.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska
- Make sure that you are offering more than one payment method. Paying online is not one-size-fits-all-all. In fact, it’s important that you provide as many options for payment as humanly possible! When you are running an online store, you need to let people know that they can buy with more than one method. The reason? Well, people don’t always have the right credit cards, or the right PayPal to be able to pay online. If you ensure that there is more than one option, then you can offer the right online payment experience.
- Don’t force people to create an account. The number of empty and abandoned online trolleys on websites is rising and it’s because people are being forced to create accounts that spam them with unwanted emails and newsletters. People just want to go online and buy what they want to buy – that means that they don’t want to create accounts. Don’t require your visitors to do this and you’ll see a good return on what you’re doing.
- Don’t redirect people. Are people being redirected to external websites to make payments? It takes away from your website and that’s what you want to avoid. You need people to use payment systems that don’t require redirection and you can embed these into your website properly. Once you do it, you keep people in the right place – your site!
- Make it secure. Your website should have a gateway for payment acceptance but you have to secure this gateway so that your customers don’t have to be worried that their payment information will be stolen. Security is vital if you want people to continue to come back to your website. You want continued customer service, and that means making your website as secure as possible.
By ensuring that your website is secure, you can keep your customers confident in your service. Their experience on your site will get out there, too, so if you want people to keep coming back, give them something good to talk about.