Though you might have played several gigs as a musical artist at this point in your career, none might be so important as the one on the horizon. You need to make sure that you are preparing for it in the most efficient way possible so you can ensure that it will be a night that you always remember.
Get the Promotion Started
Don’t rely on the venue to do all the promotions for you. If you are a smaller or unknown act, there is no guarantee that they are going to do much, and it might not even touch the fanbase that you have. Therefore, you should do as much promotion as you can for yourself.
Even just posting a couple of times on your social media accounts can be a great move that will build up engagement and get you a good crowd. Remember that a city like Los Angeles has gigs happening every night of the week, and you want to make sure that you are going to be standing out from the crowd. Make sure that your fans are well aware of the gig, and keep promoting it right up to the show itself.
Finalise the Setlist
You need to make sure that you have the perfect setlist down and finalised. There are so many changes that you could make to it, but the more you fiddle with the order or the tracks included, the more unhappy you are going to become. Make sure you have spoken to the venue about how much time you are going to have on stage.
Many are happy to give you a little leeway and stretch things out for an encore, but you don’t want to push it too far. This is especially true if you are not the only act of the night – you don’t want to be the opener who holds up the headliners! That is a quick way to get the audience off your side!
Trust in your skills as a musician, and work on creating a show that flows nicely. There should be moments where the intensity is up, and others where things will be a bit more mellow. Don’t forget to add in times when you might be chatting to the audience, it all adds up!
Get Some Rehearsal Time In
You will most likely get some rehearsal time at the venue on the day, but you need to make sure that everything is going to be working well in the days leading up to the gig too. You should make sure that you and your band know how the show is going to flow, and that everything will work well together.
It is best to do this in a private space, so book a session at this Los Angeles rehearsal studio like this one we found. It could offer you the quiet space that you are searching for. You could also see if there is a Los Angeles rehearsal studio close to the venue that could work. This might be a good place to head on the day of the gig if you want to iron some things out but do not have the rehearsal time in the venue itself. For a big gig like this, there really is not such a thing as too much practice!
Run Your Pre-Show Routines
Every musician has little things that they do to help make things that little bit easier to manage. Little routines can help us get ready to perform, and can help to clear our heads ready for the stage. No matter what your routines might be, you should make sure that you do it.
You might go and pick up tacos from one of the best taco trucks in the city, or you could go and get some pampering in at a salon. It might even be as simple as taking a walk around the block a few times. Just make sure that you do what you need to so that you can step out on that stage ready to give a performance like you never have before!
Enjoy the Spotlight!
Even experienced performers who have played gigs attended by thousands of people can get a little nervous beforehand! Nerves are perfectly normal, but they need not be. This gig that you are preparing for could be the one that changes your career forever.
It deserves to have a good amount of prep work put into it so you can go out and deliver a show like no other. Take the time to properly plan this gig out from start to finish, and then head out on stage and give it your all. Los Angeles is waiting to see what you can deliver, and you have the chance to give them a night, unlike anything they have ever experienced before.