We often think that as subcontractors, we have to be completely obedient to anything that our employer tells us to accomplish. In some cases, such as low-skilled subcontracting work, this can be somewhat true. However, when hired as a service or being brought on as part of a team, especially to consult, you may need to make your terms known.
This can help you set out the potential partnership from the offset, agree and negotiate on terms, and leave with the clearest possible picture of what you have to do and what you are expected to do. This is especially important if safety, equipment or other management considerations are an essential part of your daily operation and ability to seamlessly integrate with the said operation.
It takes clear, confident communication, an ability to substantiate your needs and wants, and the ability to explain why and how these elements of your business operation matter so much. However, when you have clear and respected guidelines, your contractual work is sure to pave its way more smoothly.
Let us see what that could look like:
Rarely Negotiate On Timing
It is often the case that clients expect you to complete a job by a certain time. Sometimes, that is fine, and perfectly in line with the work. You wouldn’t expect to take five years to build a front porch for a family home, for example. However, when it comes to some jobs, they take as long as they take.
For example, you wouldn’t expect a tattooist to finish your sleeve within two hours because you have a plane to catch. Rarely negotiate on timing unless it is an essential part of the work you complete. A great job is worth doing right, and this is your professional reputation on the line. Ensure this is well understood and enshrined in the contract before you even begin to work on this goal.
Keep Safety Considerations High
To reuse the tattooist example, if coming into the shop with a rash over your arm, said professional will simply refuse to tattoo it. But for those firms who need an element of safety before working? This can go tenfold.
For example, the best cost effective bale wrapper cannot carefully work on a farm that is not cleared of people or children who may be playing on said bales ahead of time. When you make it absolutely clear what your safety needs are, the setup time for said allowances and the risks involved, you make the job much cleaner for everyone involved.
Payment & Expected Invoices
When sending an invoice, you expect it to be paid by a certain time. But it’s also essential to have that agreed-upon first of all. Keep the payment needs and dates absolutely still and clear. Perhaps you’ll take it up front, perhaps you’ll take half now and half upon completion of the job. It is essential that you care for this ahead of time, in order to prevent confusion and to give you the strongest legal backing should this not be followed.
With this advice, we hope your contractual work becomes much clearer to follow.