How To Take Your Business To The Next Stage.

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It’s a relief to discover that your business has overcome the initial hurdles that often take down infant operations. Once you’ve hit that stage, it’ll be time to begin looking at the next phase of your company’s journey.

You may have begun your business with humble aspirations, but it’s important to modify the vision if you’ve discovered that you can, in fact, make the business work. Having a semblance of success is a great platform upon which to expand and grow even further.

In this post, we’ll look at some handy tips that can help you take your business to the next stage. 

Photo by Lukas

Set Goals

It’s easy to become comfortable with your day-to-day operations. The problem is that if you’re too comfortable for too long, then you’ll run the risk of stagnation. It’s recommended to look at setting goals that push you and your employees to dig deep. 

It’s important to keep these goals realistic. Setting overly ambitious goals can have a negative effect if they’re not met. It’s best to create short-, mid-, and long-term goals that’ll keep you pushing in the right direction.

Invest in new, time-saving software.

While you may be keen to take a hands-on approach to running your business, investing in the right tech and software can be a real game-changer. This is because tasks that once took up several hours of your time now take just a few minutes. In short, it’s a great way to put time back in your hands – something which you’ll always appreciate as a business owner.

Be sure to do plenty of research before investing in any software, ideally focusing on those that are designed for use within your specific niche or industry. For example, if you run a plumbing company, you can use the plumbing software developed by Knowify to draft contracts and proposals, manage payments, and track projects at every stage of development.  

Figure Out What You Need 

Think about what you’ll need to grow your business. It’s unlikely that you already have everything in place. For instance, will you need new employees for roles that don’t currently exist? Remember that the cost of hiring and maintaining an employee should be heavily scrutinized before making a decision — taking on too many employees, too soon, can have a long-term negative impact.

You may also have new legal requirements to adhere to. For instance, this may apply if you’re expanding into a new market or you’re significantly growing your team (companies with more employees have different tax responsibilities). If you’re not sure what you need, consult with an expert.

Step Up Your Look 

Most companies invest some time and effort into their overall branding when they first get underway. However once the business has reached a degree of success, the early-day branding may no longer be appropriate for the level of ambition that the business is showing.

At that stage, it’ll be best to work with a branding agency; they’ll be able to deliver a cohesive branding strategy that is in line with who you are as a company. Remember, if you’re a small business looking to become a medium-sized business, then you should adopt a look that would make sense for a brand of that size. As they say, you should dress for the job that you want, not the job that you have. 

Upgrade Workspace and Infrastructure

Many brands are happy to work anywhere and everywhere in the early days of their business. Once things become a little more serious, however, it’s recommended to take a look at where your company is headquartered. Do you ever have headquarters?

Does the area and look/feel of the space make sense? If not, then look at upgrading. In doing so, you’ll be sending a message that you’re a serious business that’s here to stay. 

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email