Is There Such A Thing As A Guaranteed Investment?

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If the internet is to be believed, there are now countless ways to fund a company for barely anything. Posts claiming that you can start a business for less than $1,000, have us all thinking we can get started without even worrying about saving first. Sadly, this belief is, primarily, a falsehood. 

Those ‘$1,000 business ideas’ simply fail to take into account the fact that there’s more to building a business than just buying supplies. New business issues, including the need to market and put the right systems in place, can soon see those small starting costs escalating.

When this happens, business owners face two choices – quit while they’re ahead, or seek the funding to meet financial needs regardless. Unsurprisingly given the work they’ve already put in, many choose financing that allows them to grow their business garden instead of leaving it to rack and ruin.

The good news is that there are countless investment opportunities out there, including – 

Various grants

• Private investors

• Self-funding through trading/selling/etc.

And a load more

Each of these could bring business within financial reach at last, but there is one small problem – investment and funding isn’t always a sure thing. In fact, private investors and trading, in particular, are rife with potential setbacks. Luckily, while you might not be able to guarantee your investments without all doubt, you can at least make them more likely by considering the following as you start on this journey. Or some people just buy amd shares

Photo by Sarah Shaffer on Unsplash

# 1 – Know the financing you need

Knowing what financing you need is fundamental from every possible angle here. For one, budgeting in this way ensures that you can pursue the best and most viable investment path for your purposes. It also guarantees that you’re only ever asking for an amount that you can verify and prove to any investors in question.

Except for self-funding options, after all, no investor in their right mind will offer unlimited amounts with no apparent purpose. Instead, you need to set profit margins and know precisely what that money will go towards now and in the future.

# 2 – Have a practice run

Whether you’re planning to trade or appeal to private investors, practice always makes perfect for bringing financing closer within reach. Knowing your pitch inside out is, for instance, key to getting investors onside and looking like you at least know what you’re doing here.

Equally, demo trading, as discussed in this pocket option review, can help you to start understanding markets where self-funding is concerned. Even practicing funding applications and the like can help to bring you one step closer to acceptance when it comes to the real deal. Ultimately, you need to be 100% clear in what you have to do and how to go about it. The more you practice, the better chance there is that financing will fall into your lap when you do go after it.

# 3 – Seek the smallest amounts possible

It may seem obvious, but it’s also worth noting that investment will be much easier to come by if you’re seeking smaller amounts. Understandably, a company will be far more willing to invest a small amount than a lump-sum. As such, you should also take some time to cut costs where possible before pursuing this path.

Simple things, like renting equipment instead of buying it or seeking cheaper product materials, could all see you requiring much lower investment amounts. This step alone could ensure your success here, by making your finances easier to prove and back with what your accounts already reveal about client interest.

# 4 – Wow them with your business plan

Except with self-funding, your business plan is the most crucial aspect of your investment journey by far. This is a point we’ve touched upon above in reference to your financial workings, which will all originate here. But, a comprehensive business plan is so much more than that. This is an overarching view of our future plans, your target audience, and the ways you intend to marry the two. And, you can bet that investors or financiers alike will want to take a look. The bad news is that, if they don’t like what they see, you can kiss goodbye to that money straight off.

That’s why it’s vital you take time over perfecting a plan that does your business idea, and existing company, proud. Make sure that you’re including everything necessary, and proving potential company growth, to tempt investment your way at last.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email