July 15th: Episode 3 with James Wallman on “The Hero’s Journey”

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Our Guest on Episode 3 of Business Breakfast TV is Futurist, James Wallman.

James Wallman.

James has a background as a Time & Experience Designer, an Author, and a Futurist. He was awarded an MA in journalism and holds a post-graduate diploma in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial studies from Cambridge Judge Business School.

He’s currently an advisor to the Transformational Travel Council and a Wellbeing Advisor to The Compass Group as well as teaching the National Portrait Gallery’s designers to create more compelling designs based on insights on how to design time and experiences discovered by scientists.

As the founder at The Future is Here, James advises clients from AVIS to VISA with smart thinking via keynotes, white papers, and workshops.

In this mornings talk he’ll be discussing “The Hero’s Journey” and how it applies to the business journey, the basic narrative pattern of which is as follows:

A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.

Joseph Campbell

Click the link for more BBTV Episodes.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email bespoke@wearelikeminds.com