Keynote: Kate Davies on “Employee Engagement = Sustainable Business Growth”

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For over 25 years Kate has partnered with teams, individuals, and large organisations to
champion people-focused change. As a leadership coach, she works with creative agencies
and medium-sized businesses across service-based industries e.g. experiential events,
digital marketing and design, recruitment, PR, and HR.

Accredited by the ICF and powered by GiANT Worldwide to deliver immediate impact
through visual tools and relatable methodologies, creating organisational change from
the leadership level to new starters. Enabling business owners and senior leaders to unlock
the potential in themselves and their people.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email