Keynote: Lisa Spencer-Arnell – International Leadership Facilitator & Coach.

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How many magnificent leaders do you know? My mission is to see far more of them & to change the energy from fear and surviving to love, compassion & trust.

Imagine what it would be like if you loved going to work every day if your team loved working for you, if your clients loved doing business with you, if your audiences/participants/people loved being connected to/led by you? Imagine the possibilities and the extra-ordinary results available to you. People leading with more Courage, Compassion & Spirit is what gets me out of bed every day.

I love working with Leaders with a Purpose, Change Makers, Legacy Leavers who want to transform the way things are done in their teams/organisations/industries/sport/nation and in the process are up for transforming themselves and enjoy success with their wellbeing and energy fully intact.

My clients range from Chief Executives to Senior Leaders and their teams, to Entrepreneurs to International footballers/Sports people and beyond. I often attract women who work in a man’s world and men who know they want to work and lead in new and better ways. It’s not the job title that matters, it’s the intent, the passion and the commitment to change.

I draw on years of experience of working with emotional intelligence, coaching, neuroscience, m-braining, energy techniques as well as time spent in industry/business to help the Change Makers explore, connect, create, transform, step up to be who they are and achieve extra-ordinary results in less time, with less stress and more energy.

How? I facilitate change with my Beyond Coaching approach both on a one to one and team basis. I also speak at conferences and events. My next book “The Ascended Leader – Are You Brave Enough” is out later this year.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email