How to Motivate Your Remote Staff.

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If you are thinking about getting help with running your business, it is important that you find a way to manage the performance, discipline, and attitude of your workers. It is hard to choose someone you never met, and even harder to make the most out of your motivation tools if you are just communicating through one of the popular cloud collaboration systems. Below you will find a few tips on how to motivate your remote staff.

Training and Development

One of the things remote workers and freelancers value the most is getting support to do their job better and more effectively. If you are thinking about employing an apprentice, you can make them want to learn new things instead of using their old bad habits. Training your remote staff is just as important as engaging with people in the office. Create your own training program and quiz, so you can be assured that you are on the same page.

Flexible Working

One of the perks of remote working is flexibility. Some of your staff might be sitting at home in comfortable clothes, maybe their PJs if they don’t engage with clients in person. This is something they will appreciate. You can ask them for their preferred daily schedule, given that your work is not time sensitive, and you are still able to carry on with the rest of the processes in your business.

Praise and Recognition


Girl_DeskRemote workers can also be motivated by praise and recognition. If you get a positive feedback from a client, related to the remote employee, don’t be afraid to jump on Skype and tell them about how good they are.

They will appreciate the praise and recognition. Even if it is only you who noticed that your staff did something exceptional, you can drop them a line to thank them for their efforts. You might also hold an online Performance 1:1 Review so you can discuss their strengths and development areas regularly.  

Gift Cards

You might not meet your remote employees in person, but there are certain things you will know about them, such as their birthdays, likes and dislikes. You cannot go wrong with a book or digital download voucher, and they will simply like the fact that they are being appreciated by your company.

Stay Open To Suggestions

It is crucial that you communicate with your staff on a daily basis, and stay open to suggestions. Your remote employees need to know that you are ready to Guy_Desklisten and make positive changes to help them make the most out of their time and productivity. You can send out invitations to remote meetings, send out surveys or create a virtual suggestion box you regularly check and discuss with your team.

There are several challenges business owners need to overcome when managing remote teams. You need to treat your employees with respect and create a special relationship based on trust and mutual understanding to make this work for everyone.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email