Our Guest on Episode 19 of Business Breakfast TV is Andy Clayton, Founder at Sweetspot on “How to spend more time doing what you love.”
Great entrepreneurs understand that at the heart of success lies a simple mindset – disciplined focus on the few activities that we are good at, enjoy, and which add the most value (our ’Sweetspot’), and the ruthless removal of everything else. We know this, and yet still find it hard to do. In this workshop, we follow an exercise to take us through this process, and explore why we don’t do it more – what gets in the way?
Entrepreneurs regularly get a 100x ROI from this workshop, meaning that from 1 hour spent, they save >100 hours per month. The exercise is also valuable to do with your team, so you can understand each team members’ Sweetspot, and improve their productivity. We have found that teams that spend 1 hour on Sweetspot can get an immediate productivity improvement of at least 5-10% across the Company.
To discuss the event afterwards join our Like Minds community on Guild.
To learn more about Sweetspot, and pick up an advanced copy of the book, check-out: www.sweetspot.guru.
‘Since attending Sweetspot last year, my whole thinking has changed. I value my time much more, and my decision making on how I use it has improved.’
Michel, CEO, Geneva
‘Since doing the Sweetspot exercise with our company owner, I have been able to focus on the area of work I am best at, and we have removed so many activities that we getting me down.’
Tianna, Finance Manager, Beijing
‘Spending 20 minutes doing Sweetspot saved me 5 full days in my diary. Remarkable!’
Binna, CEO, Oxford