November 3rd: Adrian Brown on Sustainable Performance & Profit.

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Adrian Brown

Join us at our first monthly “CEO Talks” powered by wealth managers Charles Stanley in partnership with The Exeter Magazine at Hotel du Vin, Exeter.

November’s event features Adrian Brown in conversation. Adrian is a best-selling business book author focused on organisational design. Helping you make work worthwhile for all, so your business achieves strong & sustainable performance & profit.

Your organisation can be the most powerful obstacle to change or the greatest enabler. Your organisation design will determine which one it is.

His book “The Power Of Organisation” – Enabling Managers to Coordinate Actions That Produce Extraordinary Innovation & Results for the Intelligence Era and Beyond, is about how you can design your organisation for extraordinary results and success.

Transition is uncomfortable, there always seem to be those who take advantage of others and those taken advantage of.

Forced change, such as the pandemic, is no different. At the time of crisis, the job was clear cut: to keep businesses running, to keep people safe, to save the NHS.

As the pandemic continued, people adjusted to the new conditions, changed behaviours, and found new levels of satisfaction. It was not malicious; it worked for everyone and, for the most part, the productivity of those working from home increased.

But since the pandemic was declared over, employees have resisted going back to the office, mostly because of the draconian attempts by bosses to “take back control”.

Now those same bosses have a new tool, the fear of losing your job in face of economic uncertainty.

Videos of the talk from the event can be found here:

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email