October 21st: Dr. Pippa Malmgren on “The Infinite Leader – Balancing the Demands of Modern Business Leadership.”

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Join us for episode 14 of Business Breakfast TV with former White House Advisor, Dr. Pippa Malmgren on “The Infinite Leader – Balancing the Demands of Modern Business Leadership“.

Dr. Pippa Malmgren

Pippa Malmgren, former White House Adviser, economist and co-author (with Chris Lewis) of The Infinite Leader, on spectacular leadership failures and how to avoid them.

The Infinite Leader comes at a critical time. The global pandemic has exposed spectacular leadership failures and we have seen systematic failures across business, community life, and politics across the world.

Pippa Malmgren, economist and former White House advisor, will provide insight into these failures and the future of modern leadership.

• Why have female-led Governments had better responses to the pandemic?

• Why were more CEOs forced out of jobs in 2018 due to ethical lapses than any other reason?

• Why is confidence in our leaders at an all-time low and the turn-over of CEOs at an all-time high?

The Infinite Leader confronts the lessons taught in business schools with fresh thinking that focus on collaboration, empathy, and teamwork and introduces the concept of Zero State Thinking where long-term success depends on a balance between analytic logic and intuition.

Dr Pippa Malmgren is an economist and an entrepreneur. A former Special Adviser to President George W Bush, she advises CEOs, prime ministers, and the heads of major banks and the world’s largest institutional investors. She speaks regularly at firms likes Google and American Express and major banks. Her bestselling book, Signals, forecasted the great financial crisis, the slowdown in China, Brexit and the rise of American nationalism.

The book “The Infinite Leader: Balancing the Demands of Modern Business Leadership” by Chris Lewis and Pippa Malmgren is available here.

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