About this Talk.
Peter Shankman – Social Media commentator and founder of HARO, on “Forget Likes, Be Liked”, moderated by Gabrielle Laine-Peters, Like Minds Exeter May 2012.
Once named by PR Week Magazine in their “30 under to 30 to watch,” Peter is recognised as a leading internet commentator around the world, and he is read and followed by a huge international audience. He is a serial Internet entrepreneur who initially founded and sold Help A Reporter Out (HARO), a platform that has become the de-facto source for journalists on deadlines.
He now consults with some of the leading companies in the world, as well as famously penning an innocent request on Twitter that 2 and 1/2 hours later exploded into a global customer service and PR story, and was named as one of the top ten best tweets of 2011.
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