4 Practices to Ensure Succinct Branding.

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With so many aspects of your business that hinge on its branding whether it is the brand name, the logo, or the images, your branding is not just critical to how you are perceived, but your branding is integral to your identity. Therefore, we have to put across our branding in a succinct manner. Here are a few things that you should consider when it comes to how you come across.

Define Who You Are

Before you start creating personalised flyers and thinking how you can best market yourself you need to understand who you are. Defining your core values, your USP, and your overall mission gives you an understanding of how you can set yourself apart from competitors and how you wish to communicate to your target audience.

Many people do it backwards and opt for eye-catching imagery and names first. While there’s definitely an argument for having a placeholder name for your business, having a great understanding of who you are will make the work of branding much easier in the long run.

KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

Ask anybody who has spent years crafting content for business websites or is knee-deep in marketing about messaging, and they will always refer to this acronym. Explaining a product or a service simply is tough, but the best thing you can do is to use plain language that resonates with your target audience.

There are times when you can be complex or use highfalutin terms, but nine times out of ten, your target market will far prefer it if you keep everything simple. When you keep your messaging simple, you won’t run the risk of confusing your audience. In life, we can start to alienate people if we use complex terms, and while it may sound clever, the reality is that simplicity makes everything easier for us as well.

Capture the Essence of Your Brand

This goes back to the notion of simplicity. Learning how to capture who you are in a few words is difficult, but this is why you need to understand your brand’s personality, and this can help you to create something unique and meaningful. Taglines and slogans, as well as a brand message that conveys the benefits, value, and emotional connection of your branding, will ensure that you align with your brand identity.

Refine, Refine, Refine

You can spend a lot of time getting your marketing tools just right and getting the message just so, and while you need to think about your website layout, your visual elements, and your overall perception, you’ve got to make sure that your business is resonating with the target market. Getting regular feedback will ensure that you are coming across effectively and clearly.

It is tough to distil your brand into something that is clear and concise and will capture the attention of your target market. As your business grows, so will your messaging and branding. This is why we’ve got to remember from the outset that simplicity is key.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email bespoke@wearelikeminds.com