Re-imagining B2B events.

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How has 2020 changed the way event companies will operate in the future?

Photo by Stem List on Unsplash

Having spent over a decade in events, working for global Confex organisers as well as growing start-ups, I’ve been gripped by the effects 2020 has wrought on the industry. With as many as four in five event organisers forecast to fold by February 2021, the pressure is on like never

However, this opportunity to scratch beneath the surface has been enlightening and the levels of innovation, invention, and fresh thinking which have been generated throughout 2020 have been astounding. There is no doubt that the new models, product development, technologies, and perspectives that have emerged throughout the last year will refresh and energise event offerings in the longer term.

This report, the first of three to look at how the B2B events industry has
responded to the events of 2020. It also explores how events will continue to evolve in 2021 and beyond and addresses the nature and evolution of event organisers’ product offerings.

You can download the report below.

Download Report

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The Share Theory works with partners to help build content that will drive engagement and expertise, and can also to help you ingrain a ‘share-first’ mentality into your operations, empowering every member of your team to become a thought leader who can add value to each customer conversation they have. As businesses become more aware of the need to engage with their markets, creating content that attracts attention, adds value, and inspires your audience becomes more and more critical. Genuinely influential, shareable content isn’t thrown together in isolation but becomes an integral part of your business.