September 8th: The Ethical Data Festival taking place during London Tech Week.

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During of London Tech Week, the Ethical Data Festival will explore the cutting edge of data, privacy, and AI. Welcoming leading speakers from around the world of data security, data privacy, and AI to the stage the Festival will take place online on September 8th from 14.00 – 20.30 GMT+1.

We’ll be joined by speakers in the UK, US, and Greece including John Marshall, Executive Director of the World Ethical Data Foundation; government data security advisor, Suki Fuller of Miribure; Ivana Bartoletti, Technical Director – Privacy, Deloitte & Co-Founder, Women Leading in AI Network; Hugo Pinto, AI & Digital Strategy Executive, KPMG, Denise McKenzie,  Director, Geovation, Ordnance Survey and Mari-Sanna Paukkeri, CEO of Utopia Analytics.

The festival will form an essential part of the week’s events.

Suki Fuller, Founder Miribure on “The Maximum Effective Range of Ethical Data!” In weaponry, the maximum effective range is the range at which a weapon can hit a target. What is the maximum effective range of data? One minute, one hour, one year, ten years, or entire generations. In the US Army, there is a phrase my Drill Sergeant used “the maximum effective range of an excuse is zero”. There is no excuse in the use of unethical behavior with data.

John Marshall, Executive Director, World Ethical Data Foundation on “The Problem of Data” The scope and nature of the issues around data are not immediately obvious. Implicating the entire knowledge economy, they embrace ‘fake news,’ media narratives, and the impact of social media quite as naturally as considerations of bias in data analytics or AI. This talk will lightly touch on why this is so — and why it matters so much.
Followed by a Panel Debate with Suki Fuller, John Marshall & Ben Hawes.

Ivana Bartoletti, Technical Director Privacy, Deloitte on “An Artificial Revolution on Power, Politics, and AI.” AI’s unparalleled transformative potential to reshape our economies, our society and our working lives has accelerated its rapid growth but are taking place without sufficient legal scrutiny, international oversight, and public debate. AI currently sees civilisation broken down into algorithms, with policy-making decisions being made by data aggregates and coding theorems.

This leaves results open to ‘algorithmic racism’ or ‘algorithmic chauvinism’.  Ivana Bartoletti works, writes, and speaks on privacy and digital ethics.  She will discuss how we are sleepwalking into a future written by algorithms that encode racist, sexist, and classist biases into our daily lives and argues that this is an issue that requires a systemic political and cultural change to productively address and shape our collective future.

Hugo Pinto, AI & Digital Strategy Executive, KPMG on “Regulating Data & Privacy at the Speed of Expectations.” Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple are frequently questioned about the data they hold on each of us. Governments frequently challenge their practices. But it is all of us that are exposed to the risk of experiencing the impact of Our data being used against us, directly and indirectly.

Ben Hawes,  Director, Geovation, Ordnance Survey on “Ethics of Location” Understanding where is fundamental to our understanding of the world. In the past few months, location data has become an even more critical piece in our response to the COVID-19 crisis as governments attempt to develop tracing apps, map, and model the spread of the disease and decide which countries are safe to travel to. The technology now at our fingertips to track, trace, and monitor the location of our planet’s inhabitants have never been more real-time or precise.

But while this newfound power has great potential to do good, there is also great potential for harm and it is time to take a broader view, assess our new technologies and ask the question “just because we can do it, should we do it?” Benchmark Initiative has been exploring how we might ask these questions in our technology development and support the changes necessary to ensure more ethical use of location data going forwards.

Followed by a Panel Debate with Ivana Bartoletti, Hugo Pinto, Denise McKenzie & Mari-Sanna Paukkeri. Holding the world’s first Ph.D. in language-independent text analytics, Dr. Paukkeri has gAIned a status of being an expert of AI and is lecturing on AI, machine learning, human behaviour, data, and text analytics in both academic and business seminars all over the world.

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