September 2013, Business Breakfast with Professor Paul Springer.

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September 13th – Meet the “Pioneers of Digital” and learn their secrets. With business author Professor Paul Springer.

Our next business breakfast speaker is renowned business author Professor Paul Springer, co-author with Mel Carson of “Pioneers of Digital” at the Telefónica Digital offices in London’s Soho from 8.00 – 9.30am.

Professor Paul Springer is Head of Research and Postgraduate Development for the Faculty of Design Media & Management at Buckinghamshire New University, in the UK.

Springer’s research addresses brand-consumer relationships and new approaches to mass communications. He has written for Thames & Hudson and Berg Press on branding and advertising.

His bestselling book Ads to Icons – How Advertising Succeeds in a Multimedia Age, received commendations from, amongst others, the Orange Choice Review.

He co-devised the international Advertising Masters program for Bucks and leads doctoral programs on advertising, branding and new media research.

Paul advised the China Advertising Association, Beijing and has been selected to present research to, amongst others, Havas Media (global), R/GA (New York and London), Sunrise Industries (Guangzhou) and Crocus and Reliz (both Moscow).

Paul was also involved with various brand development projects for the London and Sochi Olympic and Paralympic games.

Please note you must book for each breakfast – at £35.00 (inc. VAT) as places are limited. There are priority places for Like Minds Club Members.

Please bring your tablets, smartphones and your laptops. We actively encourage Tweeting – please use the #LikeMinds hashtag and follow @wearelikeminds

Our Partners

The breakfasts are presented in association with our venue partners Telefónica Digital @tefdigital

Telefónica Digital was formed in September 2011 to seize new opportunities for Telefónica in the digital world.

A short interview with each speaker is filmed by our partners DHP studios and the event will be blogged and posted in the Articles section of the site by the end of the week. A goody bag is available at the end of each breakfast for attendees.

Our Venue

The Like Minds Business Breakfasts are held at the stunning Telefónica Digital offices at 20 Air Street, London W1B 5AN.

The Format

We’re delighted to be running monthly Like Minds Business Breakfasts on or around the third Tuesday of the month, in partnership with Telefónica Digital and a range of leading business book publishers. Sign up to our newsletter on the right to be kept informed of the speakers we’re featuring each month.

Priority for these breakfasts will be made for Like Minds Club Members and will be an intimate networking opportunity to meet fellow successful business owners at The Club daytime base at ME London, 336-337 The Strand WC2R 1HA.

The format is informal networking over a breakfast of tea, coffee and pastries, before a brief talk followed by a Q&A session. Guests are invited to stay for as long as they like afterwards – and don’t forget your goody bag!


Previous events include:

2013 Like Minds Business Breakfast Speakers

  • January 22nd – Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg (Partner, Innovation Architects – New York)
  • February 28th – Steve Martin (UK MD, Influence at Work)
  • March 26th – Ajaz Ahmed (Founder & CEO, AKQA)
  • April 23rd – Robert Bean (Founder, The Robert Bean Branding Co.)
  • June 4th – Josh Kaufman (Author, The First 20 Hours)
  • June  28th – Filip Matous (Partner, Evergreen)
  • July 23rd – Chris Ward (Author, Out of Office)
  • September 13th – Professor Paul Springer (Pioneers of Digital)

2012 Breakfast Speakers in Association with SJdB

  • November 1st – Nicholas Wainwright (Chairman of Boodles)
  • October 4th – John Inverdale (BBC Sports Presenter)
  • September 6th – Guy Rigby (Head of Entrepreneurs at Smith & Williamson)
  • July 5th – Dr Arnab Banerji (Chairman of Collabrium Capital)
  • June 5th – Jonny Bramley (Executive Producer London 2012, BBC Sport)
  • May 3rd – The Hon. Harry Herbert (Founder of Highclere Racing)
  • April 5th – Lisa Barnard (Owner/CEO of ILN, Illustrated London News)
  • March 1st – Chris Moss (Ex-Marketing Director Virgin Atlantic & Orange)
  • February 2nd – Alan Higgins (Head of Investment Strategy, Coutts)

About the author

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Founded Like Minds in 2009. Andrew is a serial entrepreneur and angel investor. He founded design agency Icon in 1983 (sold to AGI Media) and Eyetoeye, one of the first digital agencies in the UK, in 1994. He advises start-ups and digital agencies on business development and is an Evaluated Consultant for Business Finland, the export arm of the Embassy of Finland. He was elected a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts in 2000.