It was a privilege to be invited to attend Seven Hills second SUMMIT: The Future of Growth at Bloomberg in the heart of the city of London on Wednesday.
Founders Michael Hayman and Nick Giles curated a seller line up of speakers from leading entrepreneurs like Dr Mike Lynch, founder of Autonomy who, after the sale of the company to HP for £7.4 billion, now runs Invoke Capital along with Luke Johnson co-founder of Pizza Express, who now runs investment firm Risk Capital Partners, to Royalty with His Royal Highness The Duke of York there to showcase the three finalists from the start-up competition – Pitch@The Palace. There was even a sprinkling of Peers with The Lord Young of Graffham receiving a lifetime achievement award from Prince Andrew.
The thought leadership and insights drawn from such a broad selection of smart minds, such as leading economist Jim O’Neil, ex-Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (and the man who coined the terms BRICS and MINTS) to Baron Bilimoria CBE, founder, and chairman of Cobra Beer, were many and varied. Especially when it came to predicting the outcome of the general election.