The Definitive Guide To Branding On A Global Scale.

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If you are keen to leapfrog your rivals and make a name for yourself within your chosen industry, you need to seek a more global reach for your brand. The brand that you hone is more than a logo or a catchy slogan. Your brand should define your ethos, your reputation, and your attitude towards the stakeholders that buy into your business vision.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a brand new venture or whether you are a veteran entrepreneur, you still need to invest time, effort, and money into a digital marketing strategy to enhance your online presence and increase the visibility of your brand.

The global aspect of your business dreams can be difficult to grasp when you are used to a more regional and local sphere. However, to expand, increase your profits, and inspire a worldwide customer base, your digital marketing approach needs to be far-reaching.

What works in one territory is not guaranteed to work in another. You need to consider your strategy and timeframe to achieve the goals that your digital marketing sets out to achieve. Take a look at this definitive guide to branding on a global scale.

Image by Thomas Ulrich from Pixabay

Social Media

While you may already have a Facebook page, a Twitter feed, and an Instagram account, do you utilize them in the most effective way to help enhance your global reach? Social media has become the driving force to propel your brand forward and increase your customer base. Rather than texting, millennials will use social media to communicate with pals.

Beyond this, they will log onto Facebook to research companies before they do business with them and they will head over to Twitter to catch up on the latest news. Social media is no longer merely a messenger service or a way to chat with pals. It’s now a platform that startups can use as an integral part of their digital marketing strategy.

Consider how you can best use social media. If your business sits in a creative industry, such as art, advertising, or graphic design, Instagram will be your best friend. This highly visual medium is the perfect way to show off your wares and products. By adding an achingly cool Holga or Amaro filter, the essence and vibe of your brand can be projected across the globe.

If you work closely with your customer base, you need to utilize Twitter. This is the platform where your clients will get in touch with you. Being in the public realm, it makes sense that you respond to any tweets promptly. You need to hone a chatty and informal company voice to fill your potential customers with confidence. The stuffy and corporate tone is no longer favored in the twenty-first century.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to dedicate to your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you need to employ the services of a social media manager to take the reins. These individuals understand the psyche of your target market and can tap into their desires and wants.

This knack for crafting top-quality content that really engages is valuable to hook a potential customer and to drive traffic to your website. Set goals with the social media manager and track progress using analytical tools. This can then inform future market research and expansion when your business entity is ready.

Twitter and Instagram can harness the power of the hashtag. These platforms aren’t regional and can be tapped from anywhere in the world. Make it clear that you provide worldwide shipping, you have the capacity for a global reach, and your reputation is second to none. Hashtags are often followed by your target marketing.

If you print custom tee shirts, the #funkytee and #teesofig hashtags could expose your tweets and Instagram posts to a whole new audience. The strategies that you employ across social media platforms cost very little or nothing and can be the difference between business success and failure.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay


Alongside your social media prowess should be your website. This window to your brand needs to be easy to navigate, beautiful to look at and help to emulate your company ethos. Think about how you can visualize your business entity in a unique and exciting way. While it may sound simple, the content and words of our site can provide a real flavor of what you are all about.

If you are a sustainable company with eco-credentials and a green attitude to your carbon footprint, you need to express this. By utilizing copywriting services off-site and outsourcing, the finest communicative minds can succinctly get your message across in the language that is most accessible to your clientele. 

Your website shouldn’t be full of prose and wordy passages. But, it should communicate what you are all about. The messages that you want to get across need to be short, to the point, and easy to read. If a visitor to your website is welcomed by a sea of a thousand words, they will soon venture to a competitor’s site. Alongside your content, you need to consider the visual aspect of your pages.

Hone the same color scheme, keep pages uniform, have your shop page easily accessible within three clicks, and don’t cram too much on a page. Scrolling to find information is valid so long as your menus remain static at the top of the screen. When traffic is directed to your website, you need to make the process of finding information and making an order as simple and stress-free as possible.

Image by athree23 from Pixabay

Keeping Up Momentum

As you expand globally, you need to consider how to keep hold of the interest you generate. A simple email to follow up on an enquiry may be all you need. However, you can be more proactive in your approach. Think about providing the opportunity for potential customers to sign up for a newsletter with no obligation to buy. Doing this means that you have a bank of potential new customers. Send out newsletters bi-monthly and think about adding discount codes and incentives for your new potential customers to purchase from you.

To really keep up the momentum and to inspire customers to do business with you, you need to generate a bank of positive reviews. It will be this feedback tat will convince or put off your potential customers. Sign up to sites like Feefo and Trustpilot so potential customers from across the globe can find you and read about the customer experience that you provide. If you need to hone your supply chain to make things swifter, more efficient, and streamlined for your new global customer, do it.

Customers will often need to seek reassurance before they buy from you, especially if you are a new entity within a territory. This is why your reviews and your social media presence is so crucial. If you have just a few followers online, customers will be dubious. Build up your followers by contributing to blogs and forming links with complementary companies. If you are a wedding photographer looking to provide your service at global luxury weddings, check out venues, caterers, and florists to link to and provide mutual networking benefits.

Branding on a global scale requires a shift in your business model. It also requires time, effort, and money. However, rather than resting on your business laurels, you want to be ambitious and fulfill your dreams of overseeing a profitable global business empire. Follow this guide and you can hone your branding on a global scale and reap the benefits.

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Like Minds is a global thought leadership platform delivering world class events on business development, knowledge and insight aimed at entrepreneurs and business leaders to engage, stimulate and empower them to become global businesses of the future. We also offer a bespoke service for corporate clients and training programmes under the Like Minds U brand. For more information please email