The Tiny Guide to Finding Your True Calling in No Time.

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Now what? You’ve probably asked yourself this question if you’re reading this. Whether you’ve recently graduated or you’ve been out in the workforce for a while, this is not an uncommon feeling for many.

College was probably not what you expected. Or maybe the reality of the field you chose is not what you thought it would be. You invested so much hard work, and all these existential doubts still float around in your head.

Perhaps things are feeling slightly off as if there was a big secret out there that everyone else knows and you don’t. Well, we have good news: it is not that complicated. It is also not too late, no matter how old you are or feel.

Read this guide carefully. We have included a series of practical tips designed to assist you in finding out your true calling.

Let’s start!

Reflect Upon the Jobs You Had as a Teenager

Your first experiences might reveal essential clues about who you are and what you truly enjoy in life.

Ask yourself questions such as how did I feel back when I was doing that job? What exactly did I like about it? What irritated me? Read this post for more information about the importance of jobs during the teenage years.

Maybe one of your first experiences was as a dog walker. You had fun spending time with animals and you recall that part of your life as a happy one. Start there and analyze the motivations behind it.

Then make a list of professions that are related to animals. It might involve going back to school, but it is not always like that. Depending on the job, it might not even be necessary for you to enroll in any long-term courses.

Next, take a deep look at your set of skills. Many of them are probably considered transferable, which means you can use them in other professions or industries.

Also, take time to observe if there is a common denominator that connects the jobs you had around that period.

For example, you remember that time flew by when you had to talk to customers. Ask yourself what careers are available that require intensive contact with customers. And consider if you like assisting people or selling them products.

The answers often lie right in front of you. You only need to sit down and put them on paper to get a clear vision.

Take Some Time Abroad

If you have the money, traveling is a fun way to step away from yourself and get a fresh perspective on your life. You might not have the time later on once you get into a career, so take the chance while you have it and discover places you haven’t been to.

While traveling requires funds, living abroad can be an inexpensive option that provides you with valuable experiences. It also offers several advantages that might be useful in your future career:

  • Learning a new language. Living in a foreign country is the perfect situation to learn a new language you could use in your future work life.
  • Working remotely. Covid has dramatically increased the number of opportunities to work remotely. From freelance writing to graphic design or software development, the possibilities are almost endless.
  • Volunteering. The Peace Corps is one of the most popular options and it always looks good on a resume.
  • Teaching English. Knowing your own language so well you can explain it to others will allow you to develop outstanding communication skills, a much sought-after requirement in many fields.

Look at What Others Are Doing

You probably have some ideas regarding the career areas you’d like to explore. If you have no experience and want to find out what particular skills and education are necessary to break into a certain sector, professional networks like LinkedIn are the perfect tool.

Use the search bar to type in a skill you’re interested in. See what profiles come up. The results will most likely include numerous fields you can examine.

Don’t waste time with skills you know you don’t enjoy. Changing or finding a career takes some effort. Look for the ones you’re good at or passionate about.

For example, are you the go-to person in the office when someone needs an email translated into Spanish? Is it something you like doing? See the profiles that come up for the terms “translation” and “Spanish”.

You’ll quite probably find professionals in the areas of translation, content marketing, UX writing, and digital marketing, just to name a few. Had you ever thought about these career paths?

If self-knowledge is king, research is queen when it comes to finding your true calling.

Get Advice From a Career Counselor

Admittedly, many go through the previously mentioned steps and are still clueless about what they want to do professionally. When nothing else works, the best bet is to go to a specialist.

A career counselor can help you figure out where your strengths lie. They can also provide advice by assessing your interests and values and matching them to suitable career options.

Good counselors will have a broader view of the job world, including subjects like human resources trends, flourishing industries, and recruitment process developments. Through them, you might find out about jobs you had never heard of before.

Lastly, career counselors can assist you in building a personal brand to make sure you shine in the best light and get noticed by employers.

Final Word

Finding your true calling takes patience and a willingness to change. Some of the methods presented in this article require that you first get to know yourself very well.

Pay careful consideration while you carry out the proposed tasks. Notice how you feel about your discoveries and follow your instincts. It is deeply personal and rewarding work that demands your full attention and effort.

Good luck!

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