If there’s one opening that entrepreneurs have is the relationship with the customer. Since you’re starting out and running your own business by yourself, you might think of yourself as someone small.
However, your reach and trust can earn a lot of respect for a large consumer base. Consumers are always watching what company really cares about them and which are the companies that just want their money. Even without ever being in contact with the majority of consumers, you can earn their loyalty.
You are working with a clean slate, there are no marks and dents in it so use it to build a strong sense of trust with your customers. Word will spread that you are a business and an entrepreneur that takes this very seriously and therefore respects those that do choose to give you their business.
Respecting Their Account
Getting customers to sign up for an account on your website is a challenge that even the largest most powerful companies wrestle with. The ease of use and access is right up there in terms of importance to consumers worldwide. They want to know that they and only they can access their account. To do this you need to be innovative and not solely rely on the good old fashioned username, email and password combo.
In order to help them feel safer and use their personal accounts with security in mind use Netverify to easily establish proof of residence. They need a smartphone that everyone has these days and just by taking a selfie, they can log into their account at any time. This kind of facial recognition technology deters hackers and because each person’s face is unique it’s by far the safest way at the moment to give access to your customers.
Encouraging Customer Feedback
One way to show customers you really do want to hear what they say and aren’t afraid of them expressing their true opinions is to encourage public feedback. Working with a professional review company such as Yelp, you should ask customers to leave their feedback on your products and or services.
You can even encourage them to make social media posts about your service and general interaction with your business. Entrepreneurs should be ballsy and want to hear both negative and positive feedback from customers just the same. People who will read the good comments and reviews may be more inclined to give your business a try for whatever their needs are.
Reassure Their Privacy
When customers sign up for an account on your website, make sure that you have a privacy policy statement that shows them what you’ll do with their data. Ensure them that you won’t be spreading it around giving it away to anyone else. This makes people feel safe and have trust in your business more than if you didn’t give them that reassurance.
As an entrepreneur, you have a clean slate to work from. Your customers are generally going to be new to your business and thus you have a lot of opportunities to ensure them with your stringent respect of their privacy.