
Image Credit: Melanie Deziel.
Marketing is an essential part of bringing in sales and growing your business. You’ll focus on most of the more common marketing strategies to help with that.
Despite that, you mightn’t see the results you want. This doesn’t mean you’re out of hope. A few alternative marketing strategies can help more than you’d think. These shouldn’t be seen as complete replacements for what you’re already doing.
Instead, they’re great additions, and can help you see better results than you’d think. Some of these can enhance your marketing quite a bit.
Alternative Marketing Strategies: 3 Top Picks
1. Podcasting
Podcasting has become quite popular over the past few years, and this can be a great marketing channel. That doesn’t just mean sponsoring a podcast.
Instead, you could consider starting one of your own. This gives you much greater control over the content, and you could craft a more authoritative image with it. Focusing on topics related specifically to your industry is a great way of doing this. While this is a more long-term marketing strategy, it can be worth it.
With how many people listen to podcasts, even in your industry, you’ll bring in a lot of visibility.
2. Branded Merchandise
Branded merchandise is an underutilized marketing strategy, but it can be quite effective. Most companies just see it as a potential revenue source.
The reality is it’s a bit of both. When people are using your branded merchandise in public, it’ll build brand awareness for your company. The impact this can have could be more than you’d think. It’s just a matter of actually creating this merchandise. T-shirts and hoodies are the most obvious, but it’s also worth considering custom stubby holders and similar options.
Go with what makes the most sense for your business.
3. Strategic Partnerships
When you’re marketing your business, you’ll naturally assume you’re the only company involved in it. That’s great most of the time, but it isn’t the only option.
Strategic partnerships can help you a lot more than you’d think. With these, you’ll partner with a company that offers complimentary products and services to yours. You can then focus on creating and implementing marketing strategies that’ll benefit both of you. There are more than a few benefits to this.
It brings down your overall costs, which helps to make some of the more expensive marketing strategies much more affordable. You’ll see a lot of results because of them.
Alternative Marketing Strategies: Wrapping Up
With how important marketing is to your business, there’s no reason not to put some time and effort into it. Despite that, what you’re already doing mightn’t be enough.
That doesn’t mean you’ve to completely reinvent your approach to marketing. Instead, it’s just a matter of adding a few alternative marketing strategies to what you’re doing. These can help with your marketing a lot more than you’d think. Many of them are even more straightforward than you’d expect.
If you want to see better and better results, then you’ve no reason not to invest in them.